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Offer  the  benevolence  for the education of  the old area
Honourable Ladies and  gentlemen
JiangXi JingShan technology and business school is the first school in JingGang Mountain the poor old area that includes science,art, business, and  other courses.Our school doesn’t make any profits and develops by donation. Licence Number :3608223000043Code:77238904-4 Address:No.120 cultural West Road, Jishui County, Ji`an city. Since our school was set up ,we have made much progress under the leadership and care of the govern ments.And we have developed many students into qualified persons, most of whom have become mangers or other leaders in their companies and our society. Our school opens the courses of senior school ,technical secondary school、the pre-instiution of higer education and many kinds of training and special education for the disabilities .The majority of students are from the poor areas in Jinggang Mountain and other provinces. Most of them need donation to complete their study very much .We just try to give them more chances to go to school. So we need your help very much.
Our school regulations are—Unite,Strive、Honest and Contribution.Our school badge is full of meaning and reflets our dreams and our belief There’re so many famous teachers in our school, such as Cheng Xiangkui ,who took part in many important academic meetings and was selected in 《The VIP in China》,meanwhile who is one of the editors.Jiang Xiangjing,who was once honored of Chen Xiangmei’s prize.The electricity expert,Zhao Xieming who was once received by Jiang Zengming,Li Peng and Zhu Rongji. The famous teacher Zhou Renrong was selectecl in 《The VIP in the word 》and was regarded as Doctor by HongKong Science Insitute. Luo Haisheng, he used to be a headteacher of a key school. Doctor Luo Lishan, who graduated from Zhong Shan College.Our school has been obeying the rules of education and would like to do anything for education.We promised“ To make sure security ,to make sure what students learn practical, to make sure students get jobs ,to help students go to college.”
Many TV stations and newspapers have reported our school ,our teachers ,our students’ success,most of them think highly of our school.Every year we are regarded as good and qualified school.What is more ,our headteacher Mr He ,was regarded as one of the best headteachers from private schools and the best educator in May2006.Our school is one of the 100-good-school,we feel like helping heart and soul all of the students from poor areas or mountain areas to realize their dreams, to go to university,to get jobs. We’d like to call for more people to help them.
Hu Jingtao,Zeng Qinghong pointed out: All the people can share all of the achievements in China ,and would like to set up a harmonious country, which can guide our education as well .According to the new theory ,we should  try our best to change the  educational condition of the poor students,making them enjoy the modernized education like the city students.Therefore,our school need to enlarge but our money is limited .we need you---all the kind people to help us very much.We need your donation very much.So our school writes this letter earnestly and sincerely hoping all the kind people ,including HongKong、 Macao、Taiwan、overseas、foreign friends and philanthropists to help our school, making the poor students receive education,master more skills and serve the society better.

All the chinese and friends in the world,let us take actions! let us donate! Let us try our best to help the boys and girls from the poor areas to have the ability to contribute to our country by being educated.The villagers will remember you for ever.Our school will respect your will,we`ll keep a record of your contribution on the stele of kind-hearted and award you a medal and a certificate,donation CD and some reports from the media.

If everyone contributes a little love, our world will become much happier world We are sincerely looking forward to your kind-hearted donation, which will help our school develop better and our students get more chances to study.We welcome your coming or telephone!
Telephonenumber:0796-3537054,3537018,3537701 3301701or13576871101     Contact person: He Weiye
Account  number :7268  3298  9668  091001
Bank:The Branch of Chinese Bank in Jishui
JiangXi JingShan technology and Business school
June 16th 2006



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